Prophetic Alert from Prophet Russ Walden: Time to Pray

Mass suicides have historically shocked and devastated communities across the United States. From the infamous Jonestown massacre to the Heaven’s Gate cult tragedy, these events serve as alarming reminders of the dark forces at work. A trusted counselor and friend recently shared a chilling encounter that should call thoughtful, sincere believers to pray against the strategy of hell the enemy wants to bring about. The need for vigilant prayer among God’s people is crucial and vital in this hour. In this article, we will explore the significance of staying spiritually watchful and the powerful role of prayer in averting potential tragedies.

The Grim Reality:

On March 24th, 1997, 39 followers of the Heaven’s Gate cult, led by Marshall Applewhite, committed a mass suicide. Clad in identical attire, they ingested a lethal cocktail of phenobarbital mixed with apple sauce or pudding and washed it down with vodka. To further induce asphyxiation, they secured plastic bags around their heads. Some men even voluntarily castrated themselves in anticipation of joining a starship behind the Hale Bopp Comet.

This tragic event followed the shocking death of 918 Americans in the People’s Temple led by Jim Jones. These instances, though horrifying, serve as reminders of the enemy’s strategy to repeat such massacres wherever God’s people are not watchful.

An Urgent Warning:

My friend (she asked to remain anonymous) recently woke up to an alarming voice in her room. A woman’s voice calmly discussed finding an “organized way to kill ourselves” while seemingly consulting with another person or being. Recognizing the gravity of such a revelation, I urgently call upon God’s people to pray and intercede against the enemy’s plans.

The Call to Prayer:

Dealing effectively with such horrible and malignant powers that bring these things about requires that our prayer must go beyond superficial gestures. It requires believers to open their mouths and militantly tear down the strategies of hell. Prayer can expose and dismantle the enemy’s plans, protecting God’s people from devastation.

Witnessing Divine Revelation:

Does God reveal such things to His people today? The story of Elisha in 2 Kings 6:12 highlights the prophet’s ability to know the secrets of the king’s plans. Similarly, the writer of Hebrews assures us that God remains consistent throughout time, implying that the revelations experienced in the past can be a present reality.

The Importance of Prayer:

Experience has taught me not to ignore God’s revelations that come to me personally, through those I trust, or even through a Balaam’s ass if that is who God chooses. Although some may argue that a prophecy, vision, or warning is false if it does not come to pass, the story of Jonah emphasizes the impact of prayer. Jonah prophesied the destruction of Nineveh, but the city was spared due to the fervent prayers of its inhabitants.

The Role of Human Agency:

While God reveals His plans and warnings to His people, human actions and responses can influence their outcomes. The 12 disciples, including Judas, were promised by Jesus to sit on thrones in His kingdom. However, Judas’ subsequent betrayal meant that this promise would not be fulfilled. Thus, human agency plays a role in fulfilling divine revelations, even those things prophesied by Jesus himself. What can we draw from this? Nothing is cast in stone. The work of the enemy can be defeated before it surfaces. Will you pray with me?

The Urgency to Pray:

Having witnessed the accuracy and timeliness of his friend’s spiritual encounters over 17 years, I firmly believe in the urgency and accuracy of this revelation. I urge believers to pray now, ruling and reigning with their words. Praying in the Spirit, proclaiming what God reveals, and wielding the power of God’s Word are essential in thwarting the enemy’s intentions. This calls for more than standing in a circle singing Kum Baya. If you don’t know how to fight in the Spirit against such things, this situation is probably above your pay grade. There are those of you, however, who absolutely walk out your prayer lives in high places and know how to enforce the enemy’s defeat and see his plans against humanity destroyed. This is our cause, and this is our call. Will you pray with me?

Let this prophetic alert serve as a vivid reminder of the importance of spiritual vigilance and the power of prayer. Let your mouth pray. The dark forces at work seek to bring devastation, but through fervent intercession, God’s people can dismantle their strategies. It is time for believers to unite and pray, fervently speaking against the enemy’s plans and invoking God’s protection and guidance. May we heed this prophetic call and stay watchful, ready to act and pray in the face of any potential tragedy.

A Prayer to Prevent Mass Suicide:

In this moment of concern, we humbly come before you, alert to prayer and ready to intercede against the strategy of hell to bring about another mass suicide. We are filled with holy anger as we sense the enemy’s encroachment and his evil plan to reproduce the tragedy of mass suicide rooted in hate. In the face of this darkness, we turn to you, knowing that you are our refuge and strength and that you are willing and ready to join your power and might to the simplicity of our prayers to see the enemy brought down and such a horrible thing to be averted.

We lift up our prayers of comfort and healing for the families and individuals at risk. May your love surround them, bringing them to themselves during this time of unimaginable deception and pain. Help them find strength in you to recover themselves from the death-dealing strategy of hell against them.

Lord, we acknowledge that even the planners of such things themselves need your divine intervention. We ask for your mercy and grace to touch their hearts, leading them towards repentance, forgiveness, and transformation. May your love and forgiveness reach even the depths of their despair.

We also remember the communities that the enemy is targeting in this matter.  We pray for your peace to descend upon them, offering them a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. Help them find unity, support, and healing as they face this senseless act the enemy and deceived people have in mind.

Lord, we lift up the churches that are striving to be beacons of light amid this incomprehensible darkness. Fill them with your wisdom, courage, and compassion. Equip them to embody your love and extend it to those who are hurting, uncertain, and lost. May they be a comfort, healing, and reconciliation source in this broken world. In the face of hatred and brokenness that leads to mass suicide, we fervently pray for love to prevail. Grant us the strength to love those who are far off and those who are near. Teach us to love strangers as we would love our own friends. And even more challenging, Lord, empower us to love those we consider our enemies. May your love in us be a transformative force, breaking the cycle of hate and replacing it with compassion and understanding.

Kyrie Eleison. Lord, have mercy. We acknowledge our sin-sick souls and humbly seek your healing. You alone can make these wounds whole, restoring and renewing our brokenness. Pour out your grace upon us, Lord, and guide us toward a path of redemption, healing, and reconciliation.

In your holy and precious name, we pray. Amen.

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Other Comments

  • Grace Solomon says:

    Amen. We pray along. But ,we children of God must align with current plan of heaven to bring the kingdom of God on earth and this is that time to ensure that,because we are now in that last days. The last day is the day God has chosen to execute judgment against all his enemies and establish his kingdom on earth with Christ and the sons of promise or righteousness. All they that trouble the earth shall be executed before the Lord. Heaven has strategized how to execute this judgment just like in the days of Noah. All we are asked to do at this time is to separate ourselves from the wicked and wickedness and ascend in righteousness, else we are caught up in judgment with the wickedness. Nothing can stop the impending judgment upon the earth. Someone of God’s enemies will help kill themselves, others by natural disasters,others by sudden destruction and all manners of the judgment, but the righteous separated shall be delivered and lifted up by Ark of salvation or transported away from scene of evil to above in spirit. Its time to be born of the spirit. Christ has come down to reign,no more as saviour but a judge to execute judgment and justice to the righteous. The immortality we have long awaited is now here and its time to be clothed and prepare for the last fight. Christ the king and his host are now here to reign and Satan and all his cohorts are also ready for the last fight and to take as many with them to be bound. May we be numbered with the elect,amen.

  • Connie R Auxier-Grau says:

    I agree in prayer and decree and declare that this mass planned suicide will stop by Jesus’ Mighty hand and by the blood of Jesus! May these people have opened eyes and ears that this is not God’s will and way! Heal their hearts and minds, Lord Jesus, as they are deceived by the enemy that seeks to devour everything in this world. In Jesus Christ’s Precious Name, Amen.

  • Agreeing & decreeing in prayer. May God silence the voices of the enemy that clarity of thought and mind can perceive the spirit of God. May He make a way of escape. In Jesus NAME!!!🩸🙏🏽

  • What an awesome pray!!!! This prayer motivates & rejuvenates you to act & pray!!!! Thank you!!