Predictions by Notable People about an Ozarks Outpouring of Revival:

“Corrie Ten Boom stated – “The Lord has told me that the center of the Christian movement in the United States will begin in Northwest Arkansas.”
A year or so later, standing in a field north of Harrison and in her spirit saw angels with drawn swords five deep as far as her spiritual eyes could see as a protection of the Ozarks.
Flying in a plane over the region and said that the spirit of the Lord was over this region and that it would become a place of refuge. ~ Blogger Wendy Campbell
Alan Long – Carroll County News (2004):
Corrie Ten Boom had an open vision of a band of angels, five high and swords draw, forming a circle from horizon to horizon.
Nora Lamb. who, while on a commercial airliner over (the Ozarks) suddenly saw a massive ring of fire stretching from horizon down below.
E. Alan Long
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Jim Bakker (2012):
Corrie Ten Boom stated that “the Lord will start a “great revival” – a worldwide one – from this same town, Branson, and the surrounding Ozarks.”
Jim Bakker

Lori’s House Update

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