Pre-Election Prophetic Round Table Part 2: Walter Waller "Word to My America"

Prophet Walter Waller prophesies below in a pre-election Prophetic Round Table. In mid-October Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden held a closed door prophetic round table with several prophetic voices from around the country. In this meeting Walter Waller shared insights on a word the Father gave him some weeks before revealing the Father’s Heart for the United States. The Youtube audio below is a portion of that conference call. (More segments will be published soon).

This is a prophetic word for the world concerning America given by the Lord to Prophet Walter Waller on the morning of October 9, 2012: Note: You can visit Walter’s website at: You will find a link to sign up for his “Father’s thoughts” daily e-mail. 
I have seen much coming up to an invisible wall where they are stopped for now. If it were all to hit, America would be finished. When I saw this I asked the Father what was going to happen and He said, “Pray son of man that the American people will turn from THEIR OWN WAYS. Pray the church will repent for resting in their own little 4 walls world. A world that they put My name on so they could be safe from the world around them. 
They support some missionaries over seas and so they have fulfilled their responsibility. I will require from every man an accounting of his heart’s motives where My America is concerned. The American people have opened the doors of their hearts to other gods, to ways of people who refuse me, and you accept their religions as your own.  
Tolerance of sinful living is ok in the media and in the movies. Movie stars and politicians are worshiped for their accomplishments and their names are recognized and people stand in awe. Political parties want to erase My Presence from their conventions. Even with all this, the world and the self absorbed Christians who stand on their righteousness, I will give mercy to you. 
I, Jehovah the only living true Go d, will give mercy and draw you close to My chest as a Father holds his child with all his might. Humble yourselves and turn from your self absorbed lives. I will cleanse you from all your sin and set you at My table. The Father’s table. 
Pray for mercy and repent for the sins of this world and My America. Humble yourselves and repent, CRY OUT LOUD!!! Earnestly cry out that I will keep the hoard back from destroying My America. 
I want all men with Me not against Me. Humble yourselves and repent, and I will show mercy. O O O that you would repent and come to My lap and receive Me as your God, your Father. I love you so.”

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