His message was on the POWER of SPEAKING IN TONGUES. It will get your attention and motivate you strongly in this area of your gift. I am also including a very popular video we did a few years ago on “OVERCOMING HINDERANCES TO SPEAKING IN TONGUES”.
These two Youtube videos are a free gift to you – I just want you to be benefited by these anointed messages. I suggest you listen to Warren’s message first and then the message on overcoming hinderances will very much help you get to that place of RECEIVING this gift and being FLUENT in it.
First Video:
The Power of Speaking in Tongues
– Apostle Warren Hunter
Second Video:
Overcoming Hinderances to Speaking in Tongues
– Prophet Russ Walden
Get the PDF Download of This Message!
If you would like to have the message “Overcoming Hinderances to Speaking in Tongues” in a downloadable format you can print – you can get it in a PDF version: <Click Here>
Also: The Online Prophetic School
Starts New Classes Aug. 17th!
Do you want to know the voice of God in your life? The online prophetic school is starting new classes on the 17th.
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Dennis Chew says:
You two look too good
Wachidha Maurice says:
Merry Taylor says:
I listen to both videos you sent on tongues and I will listen to them again great insight thank you both
Ria Arendorf says:
Evangelist Remson Masibo says:
God bless this great work
Margaret Jane Nawaqatabu says:
Bonnie Jean Raymond-Foster says:
Thank you. This is one area that I really need sound teaching in. God bless you. 🙂
Alessandra Melito says:
Be blessed…
Agatha Ngozi Nnosiri says:
Blessed couple
Helen Monique Goodwin says: