Not By Might – Nor By Power – But by My Spirit Says the Lord!

There are moments when a prophetic word comes forth with such clarity that it takes on a timelessness that provokes breakthrough and transformation every time it finds a hearing in the hearts of hungry people. This prophetic word is one of those utterances that will stick with you for a long time. It was given over 30 years ago by an un-named little lady in a house church on the side of the road in Houston Texas. It’s message is clear and unambiguous. It contains in its verbiage the grace to bring breakthrough to your life. (The transcription is posted below the video).

Over and over in my Spirit the Lord keeps telling me, “Don’t look back”. Don’t look back.”  Don’t look to the things that are behind you but look to the things that lie ahead. Because I have prepared great and tremendous things ahead for those people that will obey my word and those people that will walk in My Spirit.
I have great and mighty things that I want to do in the earth says the Lord. But I need a willing and an obedient and humble people. I need people that are willing to pay the price, people that are willing to turn from the things of the world and give me their whole life, completely and totally dedicated to me. With no compromise, with nothing of the world, but just looking unto me, being so obedient unto me, that they move in My Spirit.
Because it ISN’T by might. I’ve told you and told you and told you even as the music was going forth this morning. It was my spirit that had them keep saying, “Not by Might, Not by Power, but by My Spirit…” I was speaking to you, that it isn’t your might and its not men’s power but it’s my spirit that is going to do the things in the earth that I’m going to do. And the only way you can be a part of it is to walk in my Spirit, but you must draw yourself away with me, saith God. 

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