Morning Light – January 7th, 2015: We Don't Have it all YET! (Video)

MLToday: [Deuteronomy Chapter Sixteen]: We Don’t Have it All Yet! In this chapter we are reminded of the feasts of God. They represent three distinct experiences available to believers beginning with the new birth. There are three feasts just as the bible speaks of three baptisms. God wants us to experience His fullness in our spirit, soul and body. This is a challenge to believers because we don’t like to think there is something we don’t have yet. But God wants us to know His fullness in our spirit, soul and body – which the three feasts of Israel attest to and foreshadow. In this chapter Moses reviews the feasts that are prescribed in the law. Beginning in the month of Abib they were to keep Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles. These are connected with the barley harvest, the wheat harvest and the fruit harvest. Each of these feasts represents one aspect of spiritual experience available to the believer (new birth, baptism of the Holy Ghost, putting on immortality). They are a reminder of the full salvation promised to us and the invitation from the Father to keep the feasts by receiving all God has for us.

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