Morning Light – Ecclesiastes 2

Morning Light – Ecclesiastes 2
Today: [Ecclesiastes 2] Under the Sun. In chapter 2 of Ecclesiastes we find Solomon purposing further to discover where true happiness and fulfillment can be found. He touches on two things that are very present in our culture: diversion and materialism. The world around us suggests that happiness can be found in diversion. This is sought after primarily through popular culture and the media, and through substance abuse at various depths. The hopelessness of the idea is the false notion that we cannot truly change anything in life so the best thing to do is to get our minds off of the things we cannot control and fill our lives with other things. In very disturbing ways we understand that our whole culture is largely underpinned by such dark suppositions. Is this true? Can true happiness and fulfillment not be found “under the sun”? Solomon will help us find the answer.

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