Ministry Travel Update from Prophets Russ and Kitty

img_7368Time for an update – well we are now going into our 4th week of a 6 week ministry tour of the east coast and deep south. We have ministered in Nashville, TN; Kingsport, TN; Corry, PA; Albany, NY; Lancaster, PA; Easton, MD and Baltimore. As I write this we are hurtling down the interstate toward the Atlanta area where we will minister in 2 meetings south of Atlanta and then over to Birmingham, AL to connect with our friends there.
The message that God gave us for Nashville was “Getting Out of the Stuck Place” and it really resonated with a packed house. We have to find a bigger venue next time we go to Nashville. Everywhere we went there have been pastors and leaders inviting us back for more ministry in Nashville, Kingsport, Lancaster, Easton, Baltimore and Washington DC. We love the road time and we couldn’t do it without the help of our faithful employees who are carrying the responsibilities that require their assistance as our time is taken up with preaching, teaching, prophesying all along the way.
Today we get to visit in Griffin, GA with my father and step-mother. My pop is 83 and every visit is a blessing. He is not just my natural father but also my spiritual father and we look forward to seeing him. After ministering in Birmingham we will have a few days and will make our way through to southern Louisiana and have a brief visit with my daughter and her family before returning home. After that we have two weeks and we get on a plane to Edmonton, AB to minister in Canada. Upon our return we will go right into final preparation for the October 21-23 conference at Chateau on the Lake in Branson, Missouri. This conference will be a watershed moment for those attending as we will be sharing “The Next 50 Years: A Prophetic Perspective”. God showed me 24 landmark events that are coming on in the next many years and you want to be sure and register for that conference (see our website or Elijahlist for details).
As always our request is that prayers go up for our strength, stamina and endurance to minister at this pace. We see our job as washing feet in the prophetic. The crowds have been larger than ever before and we take our responsibility so seriously. Pray with us for increase of anointing, clarity, accuracy in gifting and refreshing in our own spirits to minister and move on to the next assignment along the way. We love you and look forward to what comes next!

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