Mentoring Minute – Order Precedes Glory: Lessons from Pentecost

Let’s look at Acts and see a pivotal moment in the early Church – the Day of Pentecost. Before the Holy Spirit descended in tongues of fire, the apostles recognized a void left by Judas’ betrayal. They sought to restore order, prayerfully selecting Matthias to fill the vacancy among the Twelve.

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Then, the promised Holy Spirit arrived, not in chaos but in glory. The Spirit fell upon them in tongues of fire, empowering the believers to speak in tongues, proclaiming the Gospel in languages they had never learned. This sequence highlights a profound principle: order precedes glory. The apostles didn’t seek blindly after spiritual manifestations. They knew instinctively that the Spirit of God would not make Himself known to them in power when there was a disorder among them. Thus, they first addressed the deficit of good order brought about by Judas’ betrayal and death, thus creating an environment where God’s glory could manifest unhindered.

How can we apply this principle to our lives?

  • Prioritize spiritual integrity: Unconfessed sin and unresolved conflicts create blockages. Seek forgiveness, reconcile relationships, and cultivate a pure heart where the Holy Spirit can dwell freely.

  • Embrace discipline and structure: Just as the apostles followed a process to select Matthias, we need discipline in our spiritual lives. Identify and deal with gaps in the defensive lines of God’s order in your life. Regular prayer, Bible study, and worship create channels for God’s presence to flow.

  • Value community and accountability: The disciples came together they didn’t scatter to each his own agenda. This is the opposite character of the cancer of the “Spiritual but Not Religious” movement since the early 90s. In the 90s, the church was encouraged to be a “user-friendly church.” I say to you we are not a “user-friendly” church. We are a blood-bought church. thus, it isn’t about “us.” It’s about Him – about Jesus, who paid the dearest price to bring us, to bring you into the community of the faith. The early Church functioned as a body, with each member playing a vital role. Surround yourself with godly friends who will encourage, challenge, and hold you accountable.

  • Steward your resources wisely: Financial mismanagement and impulsive decisions create chaos. Honor God with your finances, plan for the future, and avoid debt that can hinder your spiritual freedom.

  • Serve with excellence: Strive for excellence in your career, family, or ministry. God is a God of order, and He delights in seeing His children reflect His character in their work.

When we prioritize order in our lives, we create space for God’s glory to manifest. It might not always look like tongues of fire, but it will be a tangible experience of His presence, empowering us to live fruitful, impactful lives for His Kingdom.

Remember, God is not the author of confusion but of peace. As we align our lives with His principles, we position ourselves to receive the fullness of His blessings and experience the glory He intends for us.

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