Men, It’s Time to Move from Dormant Destiny Into a Full Blown Eruption of Faith and Purpose

Men, let’s cut the crap. No more lukewarm faith, no more settling for mediocrity. You’ve been handed a divine gift – your potential. It’s raw, explosive, and waiting to be unleashed. The question is, what are you going to do with it? This isn’t about being “good enough” or fitting in. This is about answering the call to greatness and giving back to God in a way that shakes the foundations of hell.

Edwin Louis Cole Said it Best.

“Your potential is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.”

This quote isn’t just a nice thought; it’s a divine challenge. God isn’t interested in half-hearted efforts or wasted potential. He’s looking for men who will take their gifts and multiply them, men who will step into the arena and fight for what’s right, men who will leave a legacy that echoes through eternity.

Your potential is like a dormant volcano, ready to erupt with purpose and passion. It’s time to stop making excuses and start making an impact. God has equipped you with unique talents, abilities, and opportunities. Don’t let them go to waste.

Remember, this isn’t about earning God’s favor. It’s about responding to His love with reckless abandon. It’s about giving Him your very best, holding nothing back.

Remember and Bear in Mind

  • Your potential is a divine gift.
  • What you do with it is your gift back to God.
  • Don’t waste your potential; unleash it for God’s glory.
  • Leave a legacy that echoes through eternity.
  • Give God your very best, holding nothing back.

Call to Action:

  1. Identify your gifts: Take an honest inventory of your talents, skills, and passions. What has God uniquely equipped you to do?
  2. Set audacious goals: Don’t settle for small dreams. Aim high and pursue goals that stretch your faith and challenge your limits.
  3. Take bold action: Stop waiting for the perfect moment. Step out in faith and start taking action towards your goals, even if it’s scary.
  4. Embrace failure: Don’t let setbacks discourage you. Learn from your mistakes, get back up, and keep moving forward.
  5. Surround yourself with warriors: Find other men who are committed to living a life of purpose and passion. Encourage each other, challenge each other, and hold each other accountable.

The world is waiting for you to unleash your potential. God is waiting for you to give back to Him in a way that sets the world on fire. It’s time to rise up, step into your greatness, and leave a legacy that will last for generations.

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Other Comments

  • Harry Smeltzer says:

    Thank You so much Pastor Russ,
    This past month in receiving the Greatest Words of edification and encouragement have been the greatest; Praise God. I’ve declared, decreed and continue to build myself up, it seems to the max, and yet my situation remains. Even though I can see the Promise of the Lord, (I’ve seen it for some time)and He continues to encourage me, how great it’s going to be, I still look for the manifestation, Praise God!
    I know I can’t/won’t quit, what else, where else would I go, or do. I’m in. It appears, I’m going no where.