Men, Don’t Let Your Happiness be in Someone Else’s Head

Men, it’s time to shatter the captivity of conformity and be who God called you to be! In my early 20s, my father (who was also my spiritual father) said to me, “Russ, don’t let your happiness be in someone else’s head. I was five years into a very difficult marriage relationship. I was flailing about, trying to find a way forward where I maintained my self-respect and took responsibility for my family as best I could. Those words galvanized my resolve and put in my heart a driving desire to be who God called me to be, no matter who was inconvenienced or thought otherwise.

Men, how often have you felt the invisible walls closing in? The pressure to fit into a mold, to play it safe, to shrink yourself to fit expectations? This is not a call to rebellion for rebellion’s sake but a challenge to break free from the cages others build around you. As the quote says, “Do not let others create your world for you, for they will always create it too small.” It’s time to explode those limitations and build a life that is truly yours.

It’s Time to Move from Domestication to Dominion

We live in a world that tries to domesticate men, to turn them into predictable, manageable beings. But the true spirit of a man is wild, untamed, and hungry for a life that is bigger than the boxes society tries to put him in. It’s time to stop apologizing for your ambition, your passions, and your dreams. The world needs men who refuse to settle for smallness and who dare to live lives that are explosive, provocative, and full of purpose.

Your World, God’s Rules

  • You are not defined by the expectations of others.
  • Your potential is limitless; don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
  • The world is waiting for you to unleash your greatness.
  • Break free from the smallness and embrace the explosive life you were meant to live.
  • It’s time to build a world that is worthy of your dreams.

Five Steps to Shatter the Small and Move into Your “Bigness” in God

  1. Identify the Limits: What are the expectations and limitations that others have placed on you? What dreams have you buried because you were told they were too big or unrealistic?
  2. Embrace Your Wildness: Reconnect with the untamed spirit within you. What are your passions, your ambitions, your deepest desires?
  3. Set Explosive Goals: Don’t settle for mediocrity. Set goals that scare you a little that push you beyond your comfort zone.
  4. Take Bold Action: Stop waiting for permission or the perfect moment. Start taking action today, even if it’s just a small step.
  5. Surround Yourself with Lions: Seek out other men who are also committed to living explosive lives. Support each other, challenge each other, and celebrate each other’s victories.

Remember, your life is your masterpiece. Don’t let anyone else hold the brush. It’s time to break free, explode limitations, and create a world that is truly yours. The world is waiting for the explosive, provocative, and powerful man you were born to be.

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