Living as a Viable Son – Do What You See the Father Do

Jesus lived an extraordinary life, and the secret to his success was simple but profound: he did what he saw the Father do and made his decisions as he heard the Father speak. These principles, outlined in John 5:19 and 5:30, are the essence of how a son of God is meant to live.

Living by the principles of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is not what we are called to do. Instead, we are meant to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Father, just as Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden. When they took part in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they separated themselves from the living, breathing heart of the Father and set themselves on a path toward a static code dictated by cultural norms.

When Jesus was in the wilderness, he said that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Father. This is how we were created to live; it is the only way to become a viable Son of God. It may make us poor religionists, but it will allow us to enter into the Kingdom of God and be guided by the Father’s heart.

Even in his teaching and doctrine, Jesus did not speak of himself but only what the Father told him to speak. Therefore, we should not extract doctrine from scripture and process it through our own understanding and cultural norms. Instead, we should listen to what the Father is breathing through us and make decisions based on what we hear.

The instrumentality of ascertaining the Father’s voice is the hearing ear God has placed in every human being – your intuition. By listening to our intuition and the Holy Spirit within us, we can discern the Father’s daily or even hourly directives and act on them. Sometimes the Father’s guidance will diverge from modern religious conventions and moral codes. We may be misunderstood, rejected, or ostracized in these moments, but we must remain committed to the Father’s heart.

We cannot allow others to judge us, nor should we judge ourselves. We must walk, act, and live according to the revealed directives of the Father’s heart, regardless of the outcome. We may face challenges and obstacles, but if we maintain our determination to yield to the Father, we will always find the truth.

If we break off from the Father’s perfect will, we may be consigned to cycle through the Good and Acceptable will of the Father for extended periods of time. To avoid this, we must constantly seek the Father’s guidance and strive to do what we see him doing.

In conclusion, doing what we see the Father do and making decisions as we hear him speak is the key to becoming a viable Son of God. Though it may lead us away from religious conventions and moral codes, it will bring us closer to the Father’s heart and allow us to receive his approbation. By continually seeking the Father’s guidance, we can walk in his perfect will and experience the fullness of life he has promised us.

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