Live with Prophet Russ – Stepping into a New Season in God – Today!

Live with Prophet Russ – Stepping into a New Season in God – Today! Prophet Russ speaks a word of promise into your life from Matt. 6:33:

[Mat 6:33 KJV] 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Do you know your season in God? Many people operate in their faith according to constant spiritual principles without realizing that the thing God is calling for in their lives depends on the season spiritually they are in. An example would be John 9:4, when Jesus said, “work while it is day for the night comes when no man can work.” How do you surrender to your season? Matthew 6:33 shows us that there is a season to seek first the kingdom and a season when all things are added. If you don’t understand your season, you will be frustrated, and the blessing of God unnecessarily will elude you. God says enter willingly into the seek first season, and I will says the Father bring you to your all things being added season. Does this word resonate with you? Then activate the working of this word on your behalf by sharing it with others (because faith works by love). Then mix this word with some faith by sowing into the word of your giving. Giving into a word sets the predicate for what happens next and brings God’s blessing in that very area!


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