Keeping the Fire of God Burning Brightly in Your Life

As I explored my thoughts and feelings recently, thinking about spiritual matters, I found myself talking to God and asking why it felt like something was stopping the passion, zeal, fire, and excitement from shining brightly in my life and the lives of other sincere believers, especially when these are people who want to give God their all in pursuit of the Kingdom. I really wanted to understand. After searching for answers, I realized that there were a few things getting in the way. First, things in nature and the world around us made it hard for the zeal to grow with so many mundane distractions arising from everyday life. And there was also that sneaky snake, the Dragon, who tries to stop us, drain and defeat our participation in the Kingdom of Power and Love, which is something we all want. All of these things were making it difficult for us to move forward.

So, I asked for advice from someone who understands and follows the path of progress, maturity, and growth in God. They gave me two important things to remember. First, I need to take good care of myself physically and spiritually. Sometimes, as we get older, we can feel less energized, and that can make it harder for the passionate fire inside of us to shine brightly. So it’s important to ensure we’re caring for our bodies and spirits so that the fire can burn strong. Second, many things in the world can distract us and make our fire for God and spiritual things feel weaker. They can be worries or thoughts about things that don’t really matter. These things can cover up our fire and make it harder for us to feel excited and focused. It’s like the sneaky snake that tries to make the fire go out. That’s why it’s important to be careful about what we let in and protect our fire. Just like a delicate plant, our fire needs constant attention and nourishment. We can do this by reading and listening to words that inspire and uplift us. That’s how we can bring our fire back to life and feel alive and full of energy again.

Inspired by the Writings of Jane Leade.

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