My House Burned Down – What Now God?

My House Burned Down – What Now God?
No it didn’t burn down yesterday – but years ago I had a house fire. God told me it was coming through a prophet. Almost to the day it happened. It wasn’t a warning it was a preparation for what came next.
Prophecy many times is a prelude to spiritual warfare. You get prophesied over about your finances, get ready the opposite is probably fixing to happen. That’s just how it works because 1 Timothy 1:18 says that prophecy is a weapon of war. Graham Cooke said don’t beat up the prophecy with the circumstance beat up the circumstance with your prophecy. I know what it is to have grandiose things prophesied over my life. 30 years ago I was in a place I didn’t want to hear any more prophecies about the great ministry I was going to have. I understand why in the second century, now get this, in the second century there were people sitting around despising prophecy so much Paul had to warn them in 1 Thess. 5:7 to despise not prophesying.
I refused to let anybody prophesy over me for two years. I was called into a closed pastor’s meeting with one of the preeminent prophetic voices in the United States at the time. I went in, they were there in their thousand dollar suits, I was dressed up in a stained t-shirt, torn jeans, and daring anybody to prophesy to me. I was the second one he called out. But before he called out he said, “Everybody close your eyes and begin to pray in tongues and ask the Lord what your ministry is.” I was tired of hearing that. I’d been hearing that my whole life. I was sick up and fed with it. And I said, okay whatever, closed my eyes and I began to pray in tongues and I asked the Lord two question, two questions that were very specific, they were not general. The guy was walking back and forth across the platform praying in tongues, my eyes are closed, I heard him stop directly in front of me and answer my questions. And I thought, that’s the most accurate word of knowledge that I’ve ever heard in my life. I opened my eyes and he had never stopped going back and forth talking in tongues. Then I understood that the Day of Pentecost was just as much a miracle of hearing as it was speaking. So, he goes on and prophesies over my life all of this stuff and he says, “In about three years God’s going to zero you out and make you level with the ground because where you’re at is not where you’re going to grow the most and not where you are going to fulfill most readily the purpose God has for you.
Three years to the week after that my house burned to the ground two blocks from the fire department. I was walking away from my burned out home with a fire ax covered with soot from head to toe and I looked at my assistant pastor and I said, “Well, it looks like He zeroed me out, got me level with the ground.” I’d had a prophecy that summer, “You’re going to get an invitation to go do something that you would normally completely turn down and not even think about.” I got a phone call from this denomination in Missouri to ask me to come preach youth revival. Well, I didn’t wear leisure suits and I didn’t have any patent leather shoes and I’d never been to prison, so I figured there’s no way I can do that. It’s not who I am, it’s not what I do. And then I remembered what the prophet said and so I went up and I preached that youth revival and as a result I got hired into the organization that my wife-to-be was credentialed in and because of those choices it brought me to where I am today.
Don’t despise the word of the Lord over your life. Seek out God’s word and a prophet willing to speak it over you. No matter WHAT IT TAKES get in your car, buy a plane ticket, rearrange your life and get in the presence of a prophet who will look at you the way God looks at you and tell you what God says and not what man thinks. There is a more-than-you-can-ask or think destiny awaiting. The next move is yours.

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