God’s Promise of Prosperity

God Will Make Your Way Prosperous

Joshua 1:8  This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

Did you know that God wants you to prosper and succeed? Realize that the Father places NO PREMIUM upon suffering. He will never put on you what the work of the Cross took off of you. Yes, there is pressure in life, but it is the pressure of PRESSING INTO THE KINGDOM and breaking out in righteousness, peace, and joy.

[Act 14:22 KJV] 22 Confirming the souls of the disciples, [and] exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.

When God instructed Joshua, His promise was that Joshua himself would make HIS OWN WAY prosperous when he (Joshua) would give himself over to the law (the word of God) in meditation (meditate=to mutter.). We tend to ask God to bless us, but His anointed process is to give us His word so that we might make our OWN way prosperous. Our actions and alignment are involved. If you are not blessed in some area of your life, let the Word discern the situation. In what way have you neglected God’s word regarding that circumstance? Have you meditated (muttered) the word, the promise of God, in regard to that issue?

[Rom 10:9 KJV] 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

God has made the provision (His word) that will put us over in life if we cooperate with His anointed process of acting for us and coming alongside and moving ON us and THROUGH us to bring breakthrough. We must adopt His word into our minds and adapt our actions to the word, and then WE will make OUR way prosperous. To expect God to act without your engagement is a pagan concept contrary to the clear precepts of scripture.

The promise from God outlined in Joshua 1:8, then, is that when we meditate on His law day and night and diligently obey it, our way will be made prosperous, and we will have good success. It’s important to understand that God desires our prosperity and success and does not place value on our suffering. Again, He will never impose what the work of the Cross has already taken off us. There may be pressure in life, but it’s the pressure of pushing into the Kingdom, seeking righteousness, peace, and joy that transforms our life into a little bit of heaven to go to heaven in.

God gave Joshua this instruction, indicating that he would make his own way prosperous through immersion into God’s word and meditation. The process of blessing us is by giving us His word, which we can incorporate into our lives and actions to prosper. Our alignment and actions are critical aspects that God considers while we ask for His blessings. When we find ourselves not prospering, we must evaluate how we neglected God’s word regarding that circumstance. Did we meditate and recite His word’s promise for that problem?

The word of faith movement has rightly emphasized confession of the word of God out of our mouths, standing solidly on Joshua 1:8. It’s wrong to fault them by accusing them of “blab it and grab it.” They merely practice what God’s word teaches. God has already made the provision (His word), and we must adopt that word into our minds and align our actions with His will. Then We alone, by our actions and alignment, can make our way prosperous. Asking God to act without our engagement is a pagan concept that contradicts the clear precepts of scripture. Let us purpose then to take the word of God stored in our heart and speak it out with our mouth and believe it will come to pass – it is God’s way of putting you over every challenge!

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Other Comments

  • Brenda Maharaj says:

    Thank you so much for this clear reminder Prophet Russ. Sometimes we know things, that we act like we don’t know it, and God sends us a Reminder. Thank you for being the voice(Reminder). Thank you for correction and reproof.

    • Leona72 says:

      I would have to strongly agree cause when you have word in your heart it is powerful to speak it over situations in our lives. The word of God spoken out of our mouths it will go to work on our behalf we speak those things that has thou they are it will manifest in our lives. I know this and I let the pressure to move into God Kingdom surpress me to not fight as I know I was to be fight.