God's Ekklessia – A People Empowered to Rule! (Video)

Battle-Readyx154The church as God envisioned it – is a GOVERNMENTAL BODY with JURISDICTION in the EARTH. Isa. 9:6 says the government is on Christ’s shoulder. 1 Cor. 12:27 says WE ARE THE BODY OF CHRIST. The word Jesus coined for the CHURCH was EKKLESSIA – it describes a militant body of believers empowered by the Spirit of God to rule and reign in the earth over all the works of the devil. This message will empower and inspire you to ascend to your place in the purposes of God. The downloadable PDF of this message is available at fathersheartmedia.com

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  • Thankyou for the message. Lately I listened to “be my everything” from Tim Hughes. Afterwards I stumbled upon your message about Christ in you the hope of glory :-). Thanks for encouraging people. So many are calculating the time and saying that the Kingdom of God is here or there but we know that the KINGDOM of GOD is within us :-). Yeshua, Lover of our souls :-).