God Even Makes Your Mistakes to Prosper (Video)

mistake-YTDo you ever feel like a failure? Do you feel trapped by past mistakes? This is a word of encouragement for you. Throughout bible history men and women made horrific mistakes and STILL came to promotion by the Father’s Hand … this prophetic perspective will give you the keys to activating the Father’s glory and blessing in the midst of your failings and shortcomings.

[vsw id=”kBaSuSjVITQ” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]

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  • I was extremely encouraged by this teaching as well as blessed by the daily scripture confessions I found on YouTube God bless

  • The Holy Spirit put in my heart that God will make even your mistakes to prosper so I decided to google a scripture verse supporting that thought and I found this message which has immensely BLESSED me. Thank you so much for this message and allowing God to use use to enlighten me regarding Psalm 1:3.

  • tonya says:

    I implore people to listen to this message and take notes. This is a so needfed. I a in a situation, where I need to do something. It has kind of been in my spirit that, if you do something, maybe the domino effect will occur and God will bless those who need help also. So, please listen to this message. Russ and Kitty, you are totally awesome servants of God. Seek the Lord but don’t just sit stagnant, do something.

    • Julian Lee says:

      So I find that this law is at work: when I want to do what is good, what is evil is the only choice I have. My inner being delights in the law of God. Romans 7:21,22

  • Ashley says:

    Thank you so much for this rhema word prophet Russ. I really needed to hear this because I was struggling with trying to stay in the will of God that I wasn’t making a move at all. I kept asking God for confirmation to let me know that the decision I’m about to make is the right decision. I felt like He has given me confirmation through the spirit but I kept second guessing and using logic to say why it wouldn’t work instead of just stepping out by faith to see what God would do, whether it be the right or wrong decision. I bless God for you because this message really ministered to my heart and spirit and I am now confident with stepping out in faith and believing God to move regardless of the outcome of my decision. God bless you and your ministry. May God continue to use you and your wife to speak prophetic words to encourage, correct and help the people.

  • Anastasia Robinson says:

    This is an awesome message. Thank you and God bless you. Anastasia R.