First Apostles, then Prophets

In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus declares his intention to build his church upon a rock, and he gives Simon Peter the descriptor of a “rock,” indicating his role as a foundation stone, or apostle in His church. Peter serves as an apostle with jurisdiction, responsible for establishing and connecting the body of Christ across multiple communities. Similarly, Paul recognizes the role of apostles as foundation layers in 1 Corinthians 3:11. Furthermore, Ephesians 2:20 states that the church is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone.

Before He ascended to the Father, we see that Jesus also bestows five ministries upon his followers: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. These ministries are essential for the perfection of the saints, the work of the ministry, and the edification of the body of Christ, according to Ephesians 4:11-12. Sadly, these foundational ministries have been marginalized and divided in church culture, resulting in a limited understanding of the full spectrum of ministry necessary for spiritual growth. As a result, many believers are unable to break free from the confines of religious tradition.

The Scriptures make it clear that apostles and prophets are foundational and must be recognized first and foremost in the church. Without proper recognition of these ministries, the other ministries, such as miracles, healings, helps, governments, and diversities of tongues, will not manifest. Jesus is a wise builder who only puts structure where there is a solid foundation. Building on anything else, as likened to building on the sand in Matthew 7:26-27, will ultimately lead to collapse.

The primary role of a prophet is to declare and announce the apostle, just as John the Baptist identified Jesus as the Lamb of God (Jesus being the APOSTLE and High Priest of our faith). Through their proclamation, prophets make room for the apostle’s ministry and facilitate the work of Christ in the lives of believers. Every prophet should have a working, declarative, collaborative relationship with an apostle. It is crucial to identify the apostle and prophet in one’s life, as they lay the foundation through which the miraculous becomes a norm. Neglecting these foundational ministries would mean misinterpreting the plain language of the Scriptures.

Apostles have the responsibility of grounding and establishing believers. They strive to perfect the saints and address any shortcomings in their faith. They are anointed by God to bring necessary correction to the church and individuals. On the other hand, prophets aim to prosper believers and speak to their potential. They are not here to beat them down, predict the future, insult them, or condemn them. Their purpose is to bring prosperity and success.

In conclusion, recognizing the apostle and prophet in our lives is essential for our spiritual growth and the fulfillment of God’s plan for us individually and as a church. Apostles bring correction and establish the paternity of God in our lives, while prophets speak into our potential and seek to prosper us. Without these foundational ministries, we cannot become all that God has destined for us.

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