The Father Says Today: September 9th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today that My house is a house of healing. The Father says I am immersing you into the river of My healing gifts. Life has left its’ mark on our lives and upon the level of your expectations. Set your sights on higher things. No more merely being content with lowering the bar and taking what you can get. The disappointments that have imprinted on your expectations are being shifted and diminished. No more anticipation of doubt and downturn. The Father says I am moving you into a discipline of spirit, the end thereof is a state of grace where everything you say and do becomes as effective as if I said it and did it. This is My proof of life says the Father, that the dead will be raised and the sick will be healed. The leper will be cleansed.
I am releasing My virtue into you and through you. You must make up your mind just exactly what you are prepared to believe Me for. There is a healing virtue flowing to you that the woman with the issue of blood experienced. She touched the hem of My garment and experienced immediate cleansing. Be bold to expect manifestations of healing to you, in you and through you of a new testament caliber. It doesn’t have to come with fanfare or a circus atmosphere. My call on your life will draw you out time and again to bolder and bolder faith and audacious expectations. The enemy wants you to look at the rising waters of this difficulty or that difficulty but remember, I am in charge of what happens next in your life and your deliverance is by My hand.

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