The Father Says Today: September 9th, 2013

DSC04924The Father says today that I am opening the treasuries of hidden things around you for the purpose of blessing and benefit. I am calling you to the realm beyond all that you could ask or think says the Father. This is where I will meet you and where I will take your faith for impossible things and turn it into manifest reality.
There is much faith in you says the Father and with much faith comes much substance. You are anointed says the Father to MANIFEST the SUBSTANCE. This is the hour and the day that I will fill every void and empty place in your life. You have refused to accept the false substitutes the world offers and I have seen that. You made your commitment to Me and I am able to KEEP and to BREATH UPON that which you have trusted Me with says your God.
This is YOUR blessing time. This is YOUR DAY even the day I have made to bring you INTO your portion laid in store for you from the foundation of the world.

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