The Father Says Today: September 8th, 2017

The Father says today, abide in Me. As you abide in Me, no evil will overtake you and no assault of hell will defeat you. I haven’t called you to master the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Good and evil are the measuring tools of the religious mind. I haven’t called you to be religious. Abide in the vine. Partake of the tree of life and follow its root and branch in every decision you make. I did not send My Son to the cross to establish religion. Religion is the ghetto that the world puts My people in to marginalize and defeat them. Religion is the circus tent that those out there in the world frequent for a few laughs, that they might mock and sneer at those found therein. That is not your portion. I have called you to abide in Me and to be known as you are known.
You are the light of the world. My light originates in you and dispels all darkness. In that estate as My glory is manifest in you, the world trembles and bows the knee, not before you but before My throne. Receive the demonstration of My Spirit. Press in to the demonstration of My power. Take off the grave clothes of natural identity. You are more than your ethnicity implies. You are more than gender expresses. You are more than age, education or station in life suggests. You are a branch abiding in Me, destined to bear fruit. No male or female. No bond or free. No Jew or Gentile, but one-ness in My Spirit, effortlessly expressing the reality of who I am and what I am doing being done through you in signs, miracles and wonders. Embrace your identity in Christ. Accept that you were holy and without blame before Me in love before the foundation of the world. This is who you are. Awake to righteousness, oh beloved, that you might partake this day of My fullness!

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