The Father Says Today: September 8th, 2013

DSC04917The Father says today the waiting is over. This day the signs and indicators of My confirmation will manifest and affirm that which you have expected and prayed for. You have asked Me and asked Me and asked Me so it isn’t necessary to ask Me again says the Father. I have heard you in a time appointed and My response is prepared and released in your behalf.
This is THAT day says the Father. This is the day when My now promises become substance and reality in your life. So go ahead and thank Me says the Father. Go ahead and shout. Go ahead and dance. Go ahead and allow the fountains of joy and appreciation to flow out of you in abundance. As you open your mouth even in the very act I will fill you with the full scope and spectrum of My goodness. It is My good pleasure says the Father to give you the kingdom and it is My kingdom manifest in your life this day.

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  • tracy sheffield says:

    Thank you for posting these daily prophetic words. God really uses them in my life to speak and confirm.

  • I need this Word so bad today. Thank you Jesus for what you are getting ready to do.
    I need a supernatural miracle this day, Sunday September 8, 2013.

  • This is amazing (Sept 8, 2013) as I have said before, every Daily Prophetic Word that comes from you touches on something the Lord has communicated to me. Last night in the middle of cooking dinner the Lord said OPEN YOUR MOUTH. In obedience not having to understand His command….I opened my mouth. And that was that. God is so faithful. Yes it is an answer to prayer earlier this w!eek asking Father God to fill my mouth with good things from above that bring light, life, grace, wisdom, power, joy, healing and all of the things from above. O Lord God let your Glory Word and Glory Power come out of my mouth, because we live by every Word that comes out of Father God’s mouth and so will others who hear your Word. The Word of God is the Sword of the Spirit. My God said open your mouth and I will fill it. I thank God for some great changes and transformations that are taking place NOW in my life and those around me! The Kingdom of God really is here in us and with us!! In the Spirit of the LORD be blessed Kitty and Russ Walden. God is doing everything He said he would through Jesus Christ (Yeshua).