The Father Says Today: September 7th, 2017

The Father says today, grow in wisdom and in stature in My kingdom. As you grow in wisdom and as you grow in spiritual stature before Me, even natural laws will not contain you. You will become a water walker. Even the laws of matter will become irrelevant to you. Bread will multiply in your hands. Death will flee at your word – even My word in your mouth. This is the greater works ministry and it is a reality for My people. Storms will obey you, for they are ruled at present by a lesser power than that which dwells on the inside of you by My Holy Spirit. Accept your union and communion with Me as a reality. It isn’t a religious figment of an overactive imagination. Be one in My Spirit and walk in union with Me and no wall will contain you. No power on earth will stand against you. Not because of who you are, but who I AM on the inside of you.
The time of fullness is approaching in the earth and in your walk with Me, if you will hear it and know it as the most basic truth of your redemption. I did not save and sanctify you just to go through an endless cycle of sinning and being forgiven, groveling at My feet for a few morsels of spiritual substance till death takes you. Death is an enemy, even the last enemy that will in that day be extinguished as mortality puts on immortality. That is the whole point of the second coming. Immortality is working in you now. Eternal life is yours now, bringing life and life more abundantly as the default state of your existence in Me. Disease cannot take you for it was nailed to the cross. Sin cannot bind you for its power was destroyed at Calvary. Poverty and lack cannot consume you for in the cross I am your full supply. Believe it. Accept it and know it as your inheritance in Me, says the Father.

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