The Father Says Today: September 7th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today I am near to you. Regardless of the challenge, I am on time and on task in your life. Refuse to allow the circumstance to define My faithfulness. Look to My word. Look to the guarantee of My word. I am coming through for you. Ask yourself what authority you will submit to – the authority of the circumstance or the authority of My promise in your life? Consider My testimonies. Refuse to immerse yourself in the garments of skepticism and unbelief when you tread My courts. My word is founded forever – your challenges will yield to the supremacy of My word. This is your heritage. This is what your future looks like.
You will look back on the current distress and declare “what else could possibly go right!” Though you might question “God what are you doing…” Know this – that I am bringing you into the place where everything you say and do will become as effective as though I said it or did it. I am the King of kings. I have made you to be kings and priests in My name. Kings have kingdoms. Satan’s authority is illegitimate in the earth. Go out in your day and enforce the mandates of My kingdom in your life and the lives of others. Be a follower – an imitator of who I AM. Do what I would do if I were in your situation. Walk on the water. Cleanse the leper. Raise the dead. Overcome for you are this day an overcomer in all things.

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