The Father Says Today: September 6th, 2017

The Father says today, receive the substance. Sense and feel the weight of My glory that is on the inside of you. When the price was paid on Calvary the invitation to the inner court was made and the way became clear. When you accepted salvation, you put your foot where only the sinless Son of God could tread until redemption was made secure in your behalf. Tread My courts. I have called you to tread My courts says the Father. It isn’t necessary to die to enter My courts and bask in My presence. I have called you out of the 30 fold of the outer court into the 60 fold and the 100 fold experience. It is available. It is possible. It has been your inheritance since the day that the veil was rent from top to bottom signifying an open path to all that heaven affords to whosoever will.
You are not a child of the outer court. You are a child of the inner court. Accept your priesthood and put on the priesthood of the believer that you might handle the holy things and serve at My altar. I have created you in My image and filled you with My Spirit that you might pass through the riven veil into something more of My Spirit than can be found in natural settings or religious situations. Many are called says the Father, but few accept the choosing. The choosing of God is on you this day. Put on your spiritual body and receive in your natural being the revitalizing of strength and life that you might stand even this day in My holy court. This is your portion and your inheritance by My hand says the Father.

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