The Father Says Today: September 6th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today fear not. Fear not the encroaching darkness on the world scene. Fear not when you see yourself bounded by the demands of godless persons who scoff at the truths you hold dear. The truth always outlives the lie. When the ungodly have hurled themselves against the bulwarks of truth until they are exhausted – My truth will stand unaffected and unconcerned. There are those – even those who speak in My name, that are raising alarm, and insisting that the measure of your faith is the degree to which you are disturbed about what you see coming upon the earth. My word to you is fear not little flock. It is My pleasure to give you the kingdom! It is My pleasure to give you the kingdom in the looming shadow of ungodliness that rises like a specter over the land. Refuse to acknowledge the smoke and mirror threat of the enemy. At the end of the matter I will awaken My people and once again they will become that nation confronting army that Joel prophesied.
Be careful for nothing. In everything give thanks. That is your assignment. That is who you are. That is where you belong. Yes, there is gross darkness on the earth. There is also morning spread on the mountains. Where you put your attention determines what happens next. When all the systems of man have failed, you will be left standing if you will choose to put your trust in Me and not any other contaminated, compromised false hope. This is the day of My visitation. The shift is upon us. Let it begin in you as you return the Rock that bore you and offer up there your sacrifices and intercession that change might come.

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