The Father Says Today: September 5th, 2017

The Father says today, come up higher. Many have tried to come up higher but there is only one way – by the blood that was shed and the price that was paid. There is no secret doctrine or hidden truth that creates ascendency in your life or the afterworld. The light that liberates and sets you free emanates from the cross. You need not know the secret handshake or go through some ritual or rite. Spirituality is not the badge of those who fast the longest or memorize the most scripture. Holiness, purity and power in My kingdom is not attained by religious recitals or a performance mentality. Religious routines only produce religious people. I have not called you to be religious, I have called you to be sons and daughters of a loving Father who gave heaven’s best that you might be free.
Here is the mystery revealed. Here Christ in you becomes your hope of glory, liberating you from the stupidity and nauseous false humility of the religious mind-set. Come simply. Come willingly. Come as a little child and I will show you great and mighty things that you know not. I call you more than a servant. Yes, servanthood is a garment of faithfulness you wear but who you are is My beloved child. As My son was the firstborn of many brethren – know that you are one of the many. As I looked out for My Son and sent angels to sustain and maintain Him, so in HIS NAME I am sending angels to sustain and maintain you so you can walk with Me, robed in white, gaining intimacy and assurance deeper and deeper still on a daily basis.

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