The Father Says Today: September 5th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today this is the day of your visitation. I am not merely passing by your way – I am come to take up My abiding place in your life. This is the way that must be prepared and the path in your heart by which My glory will be made manifest. You are called to be a carrier of the glory. You are called to a throne-life, serving before Me as a bondservant found willing and obedient. Though you may see around you those who go their own way and make their own choices – make yourself available to Me. I am not seeking those who serve Me out of terror or dread. I am seeking those, and will be found of those who seek Me as a loving Father, even those who seek Me with a whole heart, fervently. I will fill up all the empty places in your life and bring recompense to your house even this day – the recompense of My mercy, purchased in the shed blood of Calvary.
Make ready says the Father. Be in readiness as the Israelites of old, eating the lamb with their sandals on their feet and their staff in their hand. Purpose in your mind that you will know the day of your visitation. Be resolute in your heart that you want more than a fleeting, cathartic spiritual experience – but rather deep and abiding indwelling. What transient experience cannot bring about – the inward abiding of My Spirit in your life will produce. I am dealing with you as part of the bride and as such I desire not a mere dalliance with you but a lifelong, soul deep, overarching intimacy that envelopes all that you are and all that you will be. So come unto Me beloved. Yield by an act of your will, to the preparation of the heart that is in man, that you may receive the habitation of My glory inherent as the portion of every man and woman who abandon themselves to Me.

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