The Father Says Today: September 3rd, 2016

dpwThe Father says today trust in My judgments. When you fear Me you need not fear My judgments. I will not leave you to your oppressors. I will not abandon you to the dogs that seek to rend and tear your life till there is nothing left. Those who persecute you and act against your best interests do not get to decide what happens next. I went to the cross to deliver you from the happenstance and causality of living in a fallen world at the mercy of fallen men. I am your defense. I am your benefactor and your protector.
Go out in your day this day without fear. Know that I am your security. My word and the promise of My word is the co-signer for all your hopes and dreams. Though many around you experience dashed hopes and destroyed dreams, that will not be your experience. I am a faithful God. As you align yourself with My heart in every area of your life, things will begin to look different. Your life will take on the character of heaven come to earth. This is available. It is possible. Refuse to be talked out of My goodness even by those who claim to speak for Me. Unless it is My goodness coming out of their mouth, their words do not originate with Me.

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