The Father Says Today: September 30th, 2017

The Father says today, I have made you for the high places. I have made your feet like hind’s feet that you might scale the heights of My goodness and see My glory made manifest in the lives of men. The mire of despondency is not a path that I have chosen for you. Let your heart find joy even in the midst of challenge, for My hand is working. When the enemy does his worst, I will do My best. When the enemy does his worst and I do My best, what do you think the outcome will be? So just rest in My “yes and amen”. I am not the one denying you. Calvary was not about slamming a door in your face. I came that you might have life and life more abundantly and that is the ongoing work of My grace in your life.
Step into My yes and amen today. Determine that you will not create religious falsehoods with “one day, some day expectations”. Faith is now. Now is all I choose to work within, says the Father. Refuse to whine. Reject all self-pity. Shake yourself and rise up with courage and know that I am a God of law. I am a God of law and the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus is at your disposal to reshape every aspect of your life. There is no part of your life that I am ignoring or regarding as trivial. Let your fear of Me not be in your idea of what I will deny you. Let your fear be that you can ask anything in My name and I will do it. Make sure what you are asking for is what you are willing to cope with because My plan for you and My purpose in your life is to afford you every benefit and every blessing that heaven affords and that life and life more abundantly defines.

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