The Father Says Today: September 2nd, 2017

The Father says today, you are progressing by steps. I have afforded you the provision of living in the Spirit – now make the decision to deliberately walk in the Spirit. I say unto you that you are now walking into what you have been waiting for. Yes, the waiting has been long and the doors have seldom opened on your time table, but they have opened. There is in fact a door standing opened that you abandoned through impatience and misdirection, but I am taking care of that. Look again, says the Father, look again. That failed harvest that seemed to cast its young? That burned over field that others criticized you for wasting your time on? Look again, dear one, look again and see the fresh growth and new life ready to be nurtured to the full harvest that I promised.
This is reclamation season, says the Father. I am reconstituting afresh and anew that which is barren and dry. Your land will be called married and your land will not be barren. I am writing Hephzibah and Beulah as a banner over you. Your vision and that longing of your heart will not be an abortion as you determine with full and resolute purpose to cooperate with Me beyond that which you understood in times past. I am provision and provision is yours – it is on its way as the ravens that fed the prophet by the brook. Maturity has its rewards, beloved. Give Me some cooperation, says the Father, and I will give you the change your heart has cried out for.

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Other Comments

  • Amen! Father I’m listening looking help me see! I’m 24/7 seeking praying decreeing! In Jesus name! I’m pressing in Jeremiah 33:3 Matthew 6:33 you know I have need of these things in Jesus name! Amen!

  • Wow! This is amazing. This word and this month’s message. I am greatly blessed by the words the Lord has sent to me through you. There’s a dream that He’s put in my heart and I keep asking Him for the provision. And this week, He actually highlighted the word provision just the way you’ve mentioned it here – ‘pro-vision’. And He”s using every story in the Bible to reveal the ‘pro-vision’. Thank you dear Prophet, may the Lord bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you as you go about doing the ‘come up higher tour.’

  • Merry taylor says:

    Thank you for this word and it has encourage my very soul All praises to our GOD who is the great I am.

  • Wow, How Awesome is this, Glory to God, Lord, ,my God. I thank you, indeed so
    with the Highest of Praises and thanksgiving unto me, for it is my Season, to
    Reap, all which I have sown into the Kingdom, The Harvest, the long awaited
    Harvest is here before me, and Now is on it’s way to me, for it is what you
    have promised unto me, and I stand ready, obedient in all you ask of me to
    do in Jesus name. I give you my cooperation. Hallelujah !!!!! Hallelujah !!!!!!!!
    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I’m Blessed beyond measure, Blessed
    to be a Blessings, Chosen for all Good Works, I’m Rejoicing in the fullness
    of all you have Spoken this day, for it indeed is a sure promise. I Receive it
    in Jesus Mighty and Glorious name. Hallelujah !!!!!! Glory to God !!!!!!!!!!!!!!