The Father Says Today: September 2nd, 2014

Russ-CloudThe Father says today you were born for battle. You were born for battle and reared for warfare. I have encoded you with the DNA of “Christ-Within” that you might go forth in your day, even today with a presumption of victory. Defeat is not in Me therefore it is not in you. I crowned you with victory before the foundation of the world and there is nothing in your present or your future that can contradict and overthrow that reality. The only set back you can experience is when you willingly capitulate to the lies of the enemy.
The enemy of your soul is a master of the media of mediocrity, failure and intimidation. He presents you every day with his slick portfolio of how he wants you to see yourself and others in order that he might rule the day. Why don’t you just go ahead and reject his smoke and mirror threatenings and simply trust in Me? If you will cling to Me and continue in My thoughts and My mind I will empower you and bring you through all distress and every set back. Make it your determination to no longer own the pile of putrescence the enemy is trying to dump at your doorstep. It’s a new day says the Father! It’s a new day and the enemy hasn’t even figured out what I was doing yesterday what makes you think he is capable of anticipating how I am going to put you over in victory today?

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