The Father Says Today: September 2nd, 2013

DSC04754The Father says I am bringing you to a new and unprecedented intimacy with Me. Beloved, beyond every human concept of religion or relationship to Me is a place of intimacy I have called you to. You are not bounded by dispensation or limited by theology or what man is saying or what man has ever said. Man is not in charge of your relationship to Me. Man cannot exclude you and man cannot impede you. Come UNTO Me says the Lord and ALIGN yourself with My resonant VOICE calling you, wooing you, drawing you unto Myself.
Even as the Shulamite in Solomon’s song I am whispering to you beyond the lattice of man’s constructed ideas about relationship with Me. I am speaking and releasing and calling you into My BRIDAL COMPANY that you might know the consummate at-one-ness that I am making available in this hour. So COME UNTO ME O BELOVED and we will take our fill of love and you will know the satisfaction of soul that is only available to those who have shut themselves away with Me.

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