The Father Says Today: September 29th, 2017

The Father says today, go and sin no more. Those that are throwing stones of offense your way are only authenticating their own guilty hearts. Forgive them. Love them. Move on. You will never convince the gainsayers of this world and there is no need to try to convince them. They are the congregation of the uninformed. They are My responsibility and not yours. Set your face toward My courts and My pavilions and let the past be the past. Don’t look back. Don’t look back to the things that are behind you but look to the things that are ahead. Lot’s wife looked back and became a memorial of sorrow to all that follow her example. Lot looked back and condemned his own children after him to a generation of godlessness. Set your face like a flint. Repair to Me in the high place. There I will restore and renew you in all things.
Leave the details to Me. The enemy comes with his “what if’s” and “what about’s”, but that is not My voice. There is always someone too close to the fires of adversity in your life that says just “curse God and die…” In the midst of the pressure make it your determination that you will not sin with your mouth or charge Me with foolish indictments. My sovereignty is working both to redeem and recover you. Your latter end will be greater than your former end. The storm that looms so large on the horizon of your life will be but a footnote in the testimony of greater faithfulness that I am bringing about. Trust Me, says the Father. Let Me take it from here. Trust Me and know that I am bigger than you are and I know more than you do and not only that – I AM GOD. There is nothing to fear and no need to run. Just stand. Stand in trust and expectation that at the end of the day you will lay your head down and your sleep will be sweet, for I have and will defend you.

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  • AMEN!

  • Yes and Amen. My latter days are more blessed.Lord, you are my defence. Thank you Jesus.Amen.