The Father Says Today: September 28th, 2017

The Father says today, discard the old wineskin. The old way of thinking and the old way of doing things hasn’t worked for you anyway, so set that aside. Empty your hands of the failed things of the past so a new assignment and new vision can find its place in your heart. There is nothing to be gained in trying to produce yesterday’s fruit with the energies of today. It is vain to cling to understandings of past things wondering why this didn’t work out or that didn’t work out. Your understanding was too small. I showed you all you were capable of seeing but the full scope of My promise didn’t end with your idea of how that which you were building didn’t come to fruition. Let that all go. Refuse to judge the validity of your walk with Me by making a measurement between what you have accomplished and what others have achieved.
Let all comparisons go, says the Father. There is one comparator I have set before you. There is one affirmation I have declared in My word and it is “as He is so are we in the world…” How am I, says the Father? Am I weak? Am I wounded? Am I fretting or in failure? Then neither are you! Step into the Christ mentality this day, says the Father. Say of your soul, “as He is so am I in the world …” Nothing that you have faced has taken Me by surprise. There is no challenge before you that causes Me to wring My hands in concern as to the outcome. I have given you great and precious promises. Don’t ask Me to repeat to you what I have already promised you in My word. Just take the assurance of My declared will and stand firm, knowing that in My word is the blanket assurance of a prophesied outcome regarding every concern of your life My beloved.

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