The Father Says Today: September 27th, 2017

The Father says today, fight the good fight. Calvary was never intended to be an investment into failure. Failure is not your portion. Disappointment was never written into the days of the book of your life in heaven. The disasters you have faced are in your past and a new territory of blessing and favor awaits you through the gate I have set before you, even this day. Let the winds of My goodness fill the sails of your faith. Rise up and shake yourself from all lethargy and hopelessness. It IS a new day and you will now begin to walk before Me by a new and living way. You have NOT passed this way before beloved, so move forward with the eyes of a child – expectant and rejoicing with every opened door and every new horizon.
Have you looked back? Look back no longer. Do not look to the things that are behind you but look to the things that are ahead. The trajectory of your life has yet to reach its apogee. The days ahead of you are greater than the days behind. You have yet to experience the full scope of My kindness and favor but it IS coming and you will taste and see that I am good beyond all your expectations. Sit down at the table I have prepared for you in the midst of your enemies. Partake of the provisions of faith, life, joy and rejoicing that is not mere empty expectation. The substance is about to be made manifest in your life. Look up, for your redemption draws nigh and the fullness of My grace is being visited upon you in a moment of time, says the Father.

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