The Father Says Today: September 26th, 2017

The Father says today, I am reclaiming those that have fallen. My leaders who have failed, those who have erred, those who have plummeted into sin and darkness will see a great light. My fallen warriors and champions will see a great light and will recover themselves by My grace to new life and new placement in My kingdom and in My purposes. Be encouraged, says the Father. Be encouraged and lift up your heads, for I have sealed you with the inheritance of saints and I will restore you from whence you have fallen. Others may have rejected you. Others may have marked you as unfit and unredeemable from your situation but that is not My word and that is not My nature, says the Father. Did not David collude to slay Uriah? Yet My hand lay heavy upon him until he was restored and his throne placed in continuance. Listen to My voice, says the Father, and not the voice or the threats of those who would withhold from you My clemency.
Accept the grace of My unconditional love. Receive the cleansing and renewal that comes only from My hand. Know that My heart not only grieves over the transgression but My heart grieves for the transgressor. Mercy triumphs over judgment, says the Father, so receive My mercy. Receive of My hand the mercy that lesser minds and smaller hearts would deny you so vehemently. Leave them to Me. Your standing in the kingdom is not measured by what others think of you but by who you are and what you become as you accept the cleansing of the shed blood of Calvary. You are Mine. I have called you by My name. I have called you and I am renewing you. Set aside the shame. Revoke the habit of self-recrimination and self-pity. Stand up. Shake yourself off. Know who you are and what you are. Your past will not dictate your future. Your present is a path leading to the bright future I have planned. Yield to My hand in fullness as I make all things new in your sight, says the Father.

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