The Father says today walk in My perfection. Who told you that no one is perfect? Did that originate in My word? Was that a God-breathed inspiration? When I said in My word “be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect…” I released all the grace and power into the earth to see it done in your life. It isn’t up to you in your own efforts or ability. I am the Father on the inside of you doing the work to bring you forth in My image, with My character and My perfection intact as your personal testimony.
Beloved, when the enemy of your soul tears you down and demeans your prospects – hold My word up as the shield for your faith. When life, or circumstance or other people trash your dreams and visions, make up your mind then and there that you are going to believe the good report. All things are possible. I am the God – living on the inside of you for whom nothing is impossible. That is who I AM, therefore in Me, that is who YOU ARE. You are the earthly reflection of My heavenly image. You are the image bearer of the invisibility of My glory. Yield to that glory. Embrace that glory. Wrap your faith around that glory and see My perfection become your manifest portion in life.
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Bongani says:
Robearh says:
Yes, Yes, Yes, Abba, I Love You, I receive your words, for I am Powerful also. Amen !
Cheryl Green says:
Father forgive me for saying I am imperfect. Help renew my mind…
Daisy Miller says:
Yyyyeeeesss lllooorrrd!!!!
Alice Wa Mūthamaki says:
Amen and amen. He is the God in the inside of me, and nothing is impossible with Him!!! Hallelujah
Shawn Davenport says:
Amen! Powerful word! Thank you Lord!
Diane Williams Everett says:
Amen thank you Jesus I receive your word.
Ruth Phillips says:
I receive this word
Piper Henry says:
Hallelujah.. Yes and Amen in Jesus holy name.. I claim who I am in you Lord, the image of your presence glory that’s in me.. I am a reflection of who you are, for Love is who you are.. Thank you Father God .. Amen
Barbara Jones says:
Amen i recieve it
Christy Ligon says:
Amen Thank You Jesus
carol says:
Amen! & Amen!
Theresa Van Luik says:
Yes Father!
Mary King'ori says:
In Jesus name I pray, claim, believe and trust in Jesus name Amen!!! 🙂
Eyeruslem Woldmariam says:
Amen Amen
jane kale says:
thanks you father i will embrace this glory in jesus
Gabriella Rachael Villarrial says:
Ruth Mukabi says:
Amen to the word.
Mia Brittain says:
Thank you Father for your precious word today. I believe it and receive it now in the name of Jesus .Amen x
Comfort Orji says:
Thank you Abba
Jay Cee says:
Amen I receive in Jesus name
Hustlå Cëåzå Såmyls says:
Hustlå Cëåzå Såmyls says:
7 . 7
Smart uju Nnsoli Obiekezie says:
Amen thanks and have a lovely day
David Gillies says:
Ezeh Prisca C says:
Beaute says:
I believe and I receive Father Thank U King Jesus 💙
Dr N Iwamura Memorial Institute of Medical Scieces Nimims says:
Livingstone Mutoka says:
Pastor-Sonia Oyola says:
Robearh says:
Thank you Abba, I recceive your words, Glory !