The Father Says Today: September 26th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-09-25 at 12.16.08 PMThe Father says today My kingdom is come and My will is BEING DONE in your life. On earth as it is in heaven this day. That is My template for your life. That is the model I am working from Beloved. ON earth as it is in heaven. In YOUR earth, your life on earth as it is in heaven. No sickness in heaven! No debt in heaven! No creditors calling or eviction notices on the doors of the heavenlies! It’s My promise and My provision. I am capable, willing and working to BACK UP heaven come to earth in your life. Yes I see the obstinate hearts and the grieving as you have cried out to Me. You have recriminated yourself and blamed yourself but I am not blaming you or recriminating you for the choices you have made in haste and consequences you have reaped at length.
I am not recriminating you I am redeeming you and recovering you from the snare of the fowler. A little pressure – yes and shaking but at the end of the matter nothing of My kingdom or My favor or My purpose will be lost to you. So embrace the turbulence and ride it as a wave of My making into highest heart’s desire and greatest dreams fulfilled. I am making you and forming you and fashioning you to be a chosen vessel in My house. Trust Me with the process. Look with forward looking eyes of faith and not backward looking eyes of unbelief and fear. I am your rear guard and your vanguard securing all of your borders till your life looks and feels and is experienced ON EARTH as it is IN HEAVEN.

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