The Father says today, I see what you have left for Me. I see that you have left your mother and your father, you have left your cities, you have left your countries and you have followed Me. I see the persecution that rose up to chase after you, the persecution that rose up because you dared to say you can hear Me and dared to say you can encounter Me and dared to speak of the intimacies of our relationship. I see you as you made the choice to come after Me though it cost you your reputation, and cost you your distinction, and cost you your rank among those who opine themselves to be of the religious aristocracy. You have not desired to allow the stench of those who malign My name to cause your garments to be defiled.
For you have chosen the garments of praise because I have set you in My family. I have placed you in the midst of My mothers and fathers in the kingdom. My sisters and brothers and sons and daughters who trust and believe in My name. My family. My true royalty and the nobility of the pure of heart. You are come into the hundredfold inheritance of those who have left these things and forsaken all others for My name’s sake. You are of a new rank and order, and the service and love you have shown Me and My family brings you into the annals of greatness even like the one who would be the greatest shall be the servant of all. You have chosen the fragrance of humility. You have set yourself low and humbled yourself to worship and I am lifting you up. I am bringing you to the head table. I am RESTORING THE YEARS that the enemy has stolen. I am restoring the years, the honor, the family and the lands to you and your descendants now and forevermore, says the Father.
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Ikenna Darlington Muoka says:
Ghenet Habte says:
Amen FATHER, I receive them and thank YOU..
Kimberly McDaniel says:
AMEN AMEN AND AMEN!!! Praise You Father!! Karen Barnes
Mary Gingerich Byler says:
Love this!! So Beautiful!!
Merry says:
This word brought me to tears because i have left all to follow
my father my son and my Holy Spirit may God be praised as I seek to do his will now and for evermore. Let every praise be to our god every word of worship
Carolmay says:
Amen! Amen! AMEN!
Martin Kahara says:
Amen, thank you Lord Jesus, Halleluyah!
Piper Henry says:
Yes Jesus I receive your word, your restoration for me and my family.. Hallelujah and Amen
Lillian Wasike says:
Thank you dear Lord. Amen and amen.
Paulette Sterling says:
Abba Father,Thank You! I am Grateful! Amen!
Tammy Banks says:
Yes & Amen! Thank You Father that You are restoring and I receive this word in Jesus Name!
Niti says:
Thank you!
Marta Foam says:
l received in jesus Christ amen
Patricia Azeh says:
Amen FATHER, I receive them and thank YOU..
Lynda Ports Steinmann says:
Joyfully received in Jesus name☝☝☝
Robearh says:
So Awesome true Father God, are your Words, spoken unto me now, for this is I, yes indeed so.
I am so Ready, to Cross over into my land of promise, of abundance, for I shall not lack any
good thing you have purposed and have prepared for me, this day. I receive thy words, in
Great honor, knowing you will perfect all which concerns me, for it is my set time, it is my
season of Manifestations, to Come forth even this very day, as I declare and speak it, for it
is at the door Now !! Thank you ever so much for your faithfulness, your love, your provision
to me. I give you Highest of Worship, Praises, Adoration, in all you are, for you indeed are
so Worthy, to be Praised and lifted up daily, on a continual basics. Halelujah !!!! Blessed it
be thy name in all the earth. I love, love, love thee evermore. I Bless you awesome Father
God !
Debbie Tucker says:
Thank You Father for Your promises over my life.
Donna Cruz says:
Yes Amen Father I receive this in Jesus name. Amen
Theresa Van Luik says:
Thank you my loving Father!
Zuley Hyman says:
I receive it with open heart and arms, thank you Lord.
Ingamadison says:
Amen and amen to God be the glory forever more. I receive that right now word. God is great! Who wouldn’t serve a Great God the only true GOD !
Jeba says:
Yes and Amen.We praise you Father. We adore you. We exalt you, Jesus!Amen.