The Father Says Today: September 24th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-01-28 at 7.00.03 AMThe Father says today I am calling you to be possessed of a HOLY CONTENTIOUSNESS this day! Contend for the new! Contend for the fresh oil and the new wine of My purposes. The proven vintages are exhausted and the oil of yesterday has spent itself in the oil press. Who is there among you that will contend for the new and not be satisfied with yesterday’s manna? There is fresh manna available says the Father and water from the rock in the morning seasons. Come forth and let a HOLY CONTENTIOUSNESS take hold of you and thrust you forward into NEW COORDINATES IN MY KINGDOM!
In a season of dry things says the Father discontent is a holy virtue. Make up your mind that you will not call this darkness light or allow yourself to be religiously managed by those who have nothing other than smoke, mirrors and yesterday’s leavings to offer My people. Rise up says the Father. Shake yourself from all lethargy! Cry out with audacity and boldness for the NEW THINGS that I am birthing into the earth – yea new things for new creations of which you are ordained to partake this day!

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