The Father says today be strengthened. Do not give in to the impulse to get into strife and contention. Resolve to maintain quietness of spirit in your heart when all around you is confusion and distraction. The enemy’s primary tactic is to distract you because I won’t allow him to destroy you. I have surrounded you with My loving-kindness and I am protecting you on every hand. There is no need to stop and give heed to the enemy’s threats because that is all he is capable of – threats that cannot penetrate the shed blood of Calvary that is applied to your life and your heart by faith. Fear not. Refuse to be afraid. Fear gives energy and access to the enemy of your soul. Faith deprives and starves him out of your life
Do not be weary in well doing. Never weary or grow tired of walking in simplicity before Me. Others may boast of their so-called depth in spiritual things, but know this: only those that come as a little child are truly walking in My kingdom. So come to Me as a little one who wants to be picked up and held and nurtured. I will gather you to Myself and hold you safe and secure until the present distress is set aside and becomes a distant memory. Set your attentions to the assignments and commands that have been given you. Prepare to apply yourself not to the distractions of the enemy but the mandates of My kingdom. In so doing you immerse yourself in My goodness and My grace. In so doing you will put far from you the lying tongues and deceitful words of the enemy.
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Eric Prince Omae says:
Strengthen me Oh Lord. Amen
Hustlå Cëåzå Såmyls says:
Benri Murry says:
Amen! Praise you and love you Lord! thank you Lord for speaking to me again.
Dara De La Rosa says:
Amen i receive it
Sandy Ott Myers says:
Another huge Amen today Papa! Thank you.
Christy Ligon says:
Awesome word
Lillian Wasike says:
Amen and amen
Chiedo Opara says:
What a loving father you are to me Lord! Thank you Lord. I’ve heard your words and these have I kept in my heart. I’ll not allow my enemies any foothold in my life. Please Lord help me to be firm and focused in you all the days of my life. I’ll forever love and serve you.
Piper Henry says:
Yes and Amen in Jesus holy name. When the enemy see the blood, poured out upon you he has to flee.. Hallelujah.. walk in the light for He is the light.. Thank you Father God
Diane Williams Everett says:
Lord I receive and believe this word you have given me on this day. Thank you Jesus
Joanie Roberts says:
The cry of my heart!
Kevwe Onos says:
Amen.Thank u Lord Jesus.
carol says:
Awesome words! Amen! & Amen!
Lafawn Armstead says:
Amen , Thank you Father!
I love my Family says:
More stuff on ok? like if you agree
I love my Family says:
Mary King'ori says:
Amen! amen! amen! in Jesus name!!! 🙂
Bree Vangusslig says:
Thanks you Jesus
Theresa Van Luik says:
Yes Father! I need a little help please!
Comfort Orji says:
Sammy Wanyonyi says:
Smart uju Nnsoli Obiekezie says:
Thanks dear. Remain blessed
Agatha Ngozi Nnosiri says:
David Gillies says:
Angela Lacy says:
I’m all in, Father!
Julianna Sohler says:
Amen!!! I just mentioned how He calls us little ones in a word He gave me…and then He says it in this word! How amazingly cool!!!!
Kathy Haber Spicer says:
Yes Abba Father!
Demorgan Emmanuel says:
Amen! i am focus ijn