The Father Says Today: September 23rd, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-04-09 at 5.54.58 PMThe Father says today that you are the recipient of My mercy. This isn’t about what you deserve. I am not looking at your failures or successes I am dealing with you in light of the shed blood of Calvary. You have nothing to prove and nothing to justify for I am your justification. Your justification in the high court of heaven is fully adjudicated in the sacrifice of the Son in your behalf. If you were the only recipient of My grace I would yet have come down to earth and died upon the cross – only for you. You are that valuable to Me and I purpose that you receive the full benefit of My love on a daily basis.
I am your expectation. Put your attention on what I am doing in your life. I am living, and active and working in your behalf. Give Me some cooperation and I will give you some change. Change is possible. Change is available. Trust Me. Disappointment is not your portion. Enter in to the finished work for all your are desiring to see and know of My power and mercy in your life is on tap right now awaiting the occasion of your faith.

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