The Father Says Today: September 24th, 2013

DSC05272I know the path that you take says the Father. What things so ever confound and confuse you FEAR NOT says the Father for I will guide you were man and man’s artifice cannot guard you.
There is no assault of hell or deprivation of circumstance that will not evaporate as a mist at the touch of My hand and the intonation of My voice. My voice shakes the mountains and causes the cedars to tremble.
So fret not says the Father nor wonder when the jour- ney’s end will be reached for I am writing a whole new chapter in your life. I am rewriting the past and re-estab- lishing your present and broadening the phylacteries of your future. Your destiny will not fail.
Determine this day says the Father NOT to downsize your dreams for it is the BIGGER DREAM and not the lesser that shall be brought to fruition by My hand.

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  • THE PEARL says:

    yes lord i hear you and i hide it in my busten and keep it in my secert place,for me from you. i love you with all my are my all and all and king of all king;s you are in my heart you are my jesus alway’s and for every.