The Father Says Today: September 23rd, 2013

DSC05356You think that you have disqualified yourself but you have not. The Father says to you that I don’t look on the outward man but I look on the posture of the heart. I see your heart says the Father. I see your heart and I choose to place the habitation of My glory there for it is My good please even this day to take up fresh residence in your life.
You are a much better person than you give yourself credit for. Not better because of moral excellence or purposeful integrity that is only a reflection of the good opinion of others. I see in you says the Father the heart of a David and your heart is My harp that I will pluck and cause your life to vibrate with the resonance of that intimacy that can only find expression in the deepest songs and highest hymns.
The angels of heaven that always behold My face wet their cheeks with tears that they cannot look into that glory that I have set in your life. Their only cry when they look within is HOLY, HOLY, HOLY. This is your day! Your blessing time has come and I will be glorified in it.

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