The Father Says Today: September 22nd, 2017

The Father says today, you have cried out to Me for My glory. You have cried out and said I will not move another step unless Your glory and Your presence go with me. But you already have My glory beloved. You have My glory and power and presence. You need not just hope for it because it is already on the inside of you. It is Christ in you, the Hope of Glory. You have a limitless account and access to the substance of My glory. The substance of My glory contains the dunamis of resurrection power and unending supply. Have I not said I will provide for all your needs according to My riches in glory in Christ Jesus? It is not according to your riches but according to My riches.
What is it you have need of? Reach into the substance of My glory to obtain it. My healing is there. My provision is there. My help is there. My deliverance is there. My favor is there. My coffers will never be empty and the vaults of My treasury are overflowing with immeasurable supply. My provision is accessed by those with grateful hearts and they enter in with thanksgiving and praise to the inner courts of the treasuries of heaven. The substance of My glory breaks open the windows of heaven and pours out from within where My glory resides. Wait for it. Wait for My glory to be manifest. Wait for the weight, for the heaviness of My glory will fill you and cover you. You will know and recognize and embrace the glory, and reach into that very substance to obtain what you need in this hour to turn every situation and every circumstance to your favor and your benefit, says the Father.

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