The Father Says Today: September 22nd, 2014

Pagosa-001The Father says today that if you seek first the Kingdom I will add the delights of your heart to your life and experience. My plan for you is so sweet and such a blessing that it borders on fantasy. I purpose to bring you into highest heart’s desire, greatest dream fulfilled as a base state for daily living. It’s who I am and what I do. In spite of the religious misconceptions of those entrenched in unbelief I am a GOOD God intent on doing good things until the full bandwidth of My goodness is the very definition of My relationship with you.
Set aside all those weak plans and anemic strategies that are simply vain attempts to figure out how I am going to pull off the things I have in store for you. Rest in Me. Simply rest in Me. Make rejoicing and praise the activity that marks your day this day. Relax says the Father “I’VE GOT THIS”! No more low living. No more waiting for “the other shoe to drop”. Nothing and no one – no devil in hell can rob you of the dividends of My unconditional, no-strings-attached love for you.

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