The Father Says Today: September 21st, 2013

DSC05091The Father says today that there is a gap between your experience and My promises. In all honesty you can clearly measure the difference between the sure promise of My word and the confusion and conflict of your own experience. I promised yes but there is much in My promise that you have yet to experience. I’m doing something about that says the Father and this day I invite you to participate in the process.
So endure contradiction with grace and peace in your heart. I am standing in the gap and making up the hedge between the disappointments of your experiences and My robust promises of provision, healing and deliverance. I am depositing to your account the full measure of My fidelity and no more will the enemy say “where is the promise of His coming?” For you will taste to the full of My goodness in every area of life even the seeming no man’s land of spent prayers and empty experience. You will know says the Father the full measure and complete spectrum of My faithfulness in every aspect of your existence.

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  • There has been an attack on my job scores at work. When I read the prophecy for Sept 21 it was such an encouraging message. When I reviewed my job evaluations for Sept 21 I had scored two 100 percent scores. I am trusting God to stop the devil in his tracks from this day forth in every area of my life affairs. Thank you Pastor Russ for you diligence, faithfulness and love to let the Father touch, encourage and heal our lives through your inspired and right on time prophecies. I can hardly wait to start my Internship Program. This ministry is the next best thing to heaven. A BIG GOD BLESS YOU IN JESUS STRONG AND PRECIOUS NAME…AMEN.

  • wende Sullwold Prettyman says:

    What a beautiful word! Lord, fill in the gaps and grow my mustard seed of faith to terrific proportions in the areas I am lacking! Be with me as I share the areas I have grown in with others!!! Thank you Russ and Kitty