The Father Says Today: September 20th, 2017

The Father says today, not a thing catches Me unaware. I know what you will do and say, where you will go and how far, even the times and seasons that are before you. I know when you rise up and when you fall down and I make even your mistakes to prosper. So be released of all guilt and condemnation this day, for My blood has cleansed and forgiven. Today is a new day and My mercy is new and fresh and even in this moment being poured out upon you. Breathe it in. Receive this day My blessing and mercy provided as your full portion, and delight yourself in Me to receive My fullness of joy. I am turning back the years of your life and all of the regrets and laments are crumbling into dust to be blown across My sea of forgetfulness.
I am turning your “if only I had” into “He has provided” and the outcome of what you deserved into the reward of what He deserves. Jesus. For the honor I place upon My precious Son I also put upon you. The love I have for My firstborn is given also to you in full measure. For I love you with an everlasting love. Did you fall and I am not aware? Did you think you disappointed everyone with that which you have opposed yourself? Release it now and be free from all shame and condescending images of self. For you are forgiven and redeemed and bought with a great price. My treasure is within you and you are a carrier of My glory. I wipe every tear and say rise up, for you are not rejected and you are not dejected but you are restored fully today. You are well loved and accepted in the Beloved, says the Father.

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